After the excitement of your announcement of engagement has passed, it is time to begin thinking about planning your wedding.
There is no one right way to plan an English or foreign wedding.
We can help with a simple guide to wedding planning that will ensure you enjoy the exciting occasion. Our wedding checklist is also a great tool.
Wedding Planning
From setting your budget, to the day of the wedding itself – this simple guide will help you plan everything!
The Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Wedding
Here is your ultimate guide to planning your wedding, no matter what your time frame. This guide will tell you everything you need to plan a UK wedding, but many of the tips can also be applied to those planning weddings abroad.
1. Create a Budget (and stick to it!)
When planning a wedding, the first thing to consider is your budget.
We have broken down Planning your Wedding Budget in seven simple steps. But the most important thing is to sit down and have a discussion with your partner about your finances. What can you afford? Will anyone else contribute to the budget, and how much money will you be saving over the next few months?
It’s important to discuss your plans with your parents early on so that you can determine what they may be able and willing to contribute. A wedding budget is important to plan. It can help you avoid unnecessary financial stress.
The Budget Planner is a useful tool that will help you to estimate and track your expenditure.
You can also find money-saving tips to help you save pennies on your wedding budget.
2. Talk About Your Priorities
It is not recommended to go into the wedding planning process without knowing what you and your partner are most concerned about.
It is important that you sit down with your partner and discuss the things that are most important to them when planning a wedding. Priorities vary from couple to couple but there are some common ones:
- The location of your wedding (UK or abroad).
- A large guest list includes all there
- Live music for your wedding reception
- Children or no children
- A particular person doing a wedding speech
- Honoring loved ones who are no longer present at the wedding
Once you and your partner have agreed on what is important to each other, it’s time to write down those priorities.
You can use them to help you save money on your wedding or make a decision between two options.
You will be able to focus on the things that are most important to you.
3. Get Organized
Organising yourself, in whatever way you define it, will help ensure that your wedding planning experience is a smooth one.
You can start by buying a planner and downloading. Next, you should create a budget for your wedding (remember Step 1?)
4. Research Wedding Styles
You’ll need to gather lots of inspiration and ideas before you begin booking your wedding. This will help you narrow down the style you want for your special day. You can find so much inspiration for wedding planning that it may seem overwhelming. But remember, these are just ideas.
You don’t have to include everything you like at your wedding just because you enjoy it.
You can get some inspiration from social media, and you can also check out celebrity marriages. Take a look at real weddings in the UK to see how real couples have planned their weddings.
5. Select Your Wedding Style
You’ll soon discover the style of wedding that suits you best, and can start planning your wedding.
It’s important to pick a colour scheme or style for your wedding, whether you go with a few key colors or a specific theme.
Once you have a clear idea of the type of wedding that you want, it’s much easier to choose suppliers.
6. Create a Wedding Planning Checklist
You have a budget, you know your style, and you’ve made a list with the things you want to happen at your wedding. Now it’s time for you to create a wedding planning checklist.
We have a wedding checklist that can be customized to meet your needs. You can either use the online checklists or create your own.
Having a comprehensive list will help you manage your time and budget more effectively.
You don’t have to remember everything. You can add bits and pieces as you go.
7. Date a Date
The decision of when to get married can have a major impact on other aspects of wedding planning. You should consider the season/weather and day of week that you would like to be married.
There are certain dates that you should avoid because of sports events, bad numbers, and national holidays. You should also consider that the date of your wedding will have a significant impact on your budget.
In our article we go into more detail, but if you decide to get married in August on a weekend, it will cost much, much, more than on a Monday or Tuesday in January or in February.
You can also book your venue, send out save-the-dates, and start the process with suppliers once you have decided on a date.
8. How to Make a Wedding Guest list
How do you begin planning the guest list? You probably have already planned your guest list and know who you want to invite. However, where do you begin?
9. Find the Perfect Venue
After you have decided on your theme and budget, you should start thinking about selecting a venue that fits with the rest of it. Your wedding venue determines your date, your location, and the number of guests you can invite. So, make booking and securing your wedding venue a top priority.
Talk about your vision for the wedding, and the type of venue that will best fit your chosen theme. Here you should revisit your vision for the wedding and prioritize. You may have to compromise if one of you has a vision of a fairytale castle and the other a rustic barn.
Consider other factors, such as if you would like a venue that offers accommodation or if you prefer to cater your own wedding. Also consider the number of guests you expect to attend your evening reception. These factors will all play a role in the wedding venue that you choose.
10. Send your Save the Dates
You’ve likely already shared your plans for the wedding with others, but now it’s time to make them official.
You should send out your wedding invitations three to six months before the big day. But it’s not too early to select a style, design or stationery provider that you like.
We recommend that you send out Save the Date cards to your guests as soon as your venue is booked. This will let them know about your wedding, and they can keep the date open.